Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) Accreditation

For China Students
University Partners


Please be advised that the Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) has stipulated that international academic programmes seeking accreditation must be completed on campus with in-person classes. Full-time External Degree Programmes provided by Kaplan in Singapore adhere to this requirement, as they are delivered in-person.

However, it's important to note that part-time External Degree Programmes at Kaplan in Singapore include a combination of in-person classes and online learning. Consequently, these part-time programmes may not meet the criteria for CSCSE accreditation. The decision for accreditation lies solely with the CSCSE.

To ensure eligibility for CSCSE accreditation, we recommend applying for full-time External Degree Programmes only. Kaplan in Singapore bears no responsibility if you opt for a part-time External Degree Programme and fail to secure CSCSE accreditation.