Student Support Services
Automated Self-Services
Kaplan is committed to providing automated self-services, such as e-contracts, Kaplan 360 mobile app and remodule app, so that students are able to perform self-services at their convenience, obtain timely information and check their status or progress. Beyond service efficiency, we also pay attention to achieving service effectiveness by reviewing the adoption rate, turnaround time and satisfaction level for our e-services.
Kaplan 360 app
Via the Kaplan 360 mobile app, students can check their assigned classrooms according to their personalised study plan, read important notifications, check real-time attendance rate, submit leave applications, complete onboarding checklist and update contact details. To find out more about the terms of use, click here.
Kaplan implemented e-contract for all students. The student contract is generated electronically and the offer package consisting of the letter of offer, letter of acceptance (if applicable), letter of undertaking (if applicable), advisory note and student contract are emailed to student. Student will also receive a passcode via email so that they can enter the passcode before they proceed to e-sign. The e-contract enabled students to e-sign at their convenience via computer or mobile devices.
Enrolment portal (Murdoch and Diploma re-module app)
Murdoch University students usually have their first term’s units enrolled via their programme consultant. For subsequent terms, students must select their units/classes via the Kaplan Student Enrolment Portal around 1.5 to 2 months before the new term commences. The portal is usually open for 3 to 4 weeks, and students get to select and make changes to their units and classes to be enrolled. Students can also contact Kaplan’s Programme Management (PM) team for assistance or advice during the enrolment period. PM will process, via Batch Enrolment, the students’ requested units and send them to the University for processing. Upon the University’s advice on valid enrolments, PM will inform students of the invalid attempts and work on the payment check to sieve re-module/replacement/enhancement unit fees payable for those with valid enrolments only. Students can self-check their enrolled classes for the new term via a self-check link provided by Kaplan after the close of term enrolment exercises, and their valid enrolled units will also appear in their Murdoch University online student portal.
Diploma students usually complete their four terms of study according to the student contract which they agreed to and signed prior to the respective programme commencement. They will only re-module if they fail a module(s) after completion of their first cycle of study. PM will send an invitation for students to re-module at least a month prior to the term commencement date via the Re-Module App portal. Students are given two weeks to respond and are allowed to make changes to their enrolment during this period. Students will also receive the acknowledgement notification right after they completed their re-module process together with all necessary information such as collection of contracts, re-module fee, outstanding fee, and a reminder of Student’s Pass renewal for international students, the need for under 18 students to get consent from their parent/legal guardian to re-module, etc. Once the remodule period closes, PM will check all necessary information such as seat availability, outstanding payments, Student’s Pass expiry dates, etc. before confirming students’ enrolment and proceeding with the preparation of the student contract. PM will then inform students accordingly for invalid enrolments which is usually due to outstanding fees, invalid Student’s Pass, etc.
Alumni Support
As we journey with our students during their academic period, we believe in providing them with added guidance after graduation. The Employability and Student Affairs (ESA) team provides alumni support services to graduates. The following are the services ESA provides:
- Alumni Club & Activities
- Graduate Employment Survey (GES)
- Education Verification
- Reprint of Academic Records
- Student and Alumni Deals
Alumni Club & Activities
Alumni Club
Kaplan Alumni Club offers opportunities for graduates to stay connected with the Kaplan community, including their peers and lecturers. Alumni are invited to participate in professional development workshops, talks and social activities. Mentorship and career coaching are provided to members who request such assistance.
International students are invited to stay connected and participate in online events through the overseas chapters of the Kaplan Alumni Club in China, Indonesia and Myanmar.
The Alumni Executive Committee (AEC) was established in January 2021. Alumni members who are keen to become AEC members will be interviewed by ESA. The previous AEC members mentor the AEC members to take on roles to plan, conceptualise, and organize events like workshops, networking, social and employability-related activities. Kaplan believes peer-to-peer support, engagement, and interaction build confidence and promote best practices. To become an Alumni member now, click here.
Alumni Activities
Graduates who sign up to join the Kaplan Alumni Club can enjoy various alumni activities, including professional development workshops, employability workshops, and exclusive networking opportunities. The AEC members offer mentoring to alumni when needed. The AEC members are prepared and equipped to manage their role and take on mentoring as they undergo a series of training with ESA. For more information, click here.
Graduate Employment Survey
The Kaplan Graduate Employment Survey (GES) is conducted annually by a third-party vendor to ensure data integrity. The result of the GES survey is shared with management to analyse and review our graduate outcomes. The GES results are benchmarked against Internal and external stakeholders.
Education Verification Request
Hiring companies or third-party vendors commissioned to conduct background screening checks on potential candidates will request for education verification. ESA follows through on these requests for Diploma graduates and authenticates certificates and transcripts. Graduates may contact [email protected] for submission of these requests.
Reprint of Academic Records
Kaplan assists Diploma graduates who have misplaced their certificates to reprint them. Local Diploma graduates may collect the reprinted documents from the Diploma Programme Management Office. International students or students applying for universities abroad can opt for courier services to deliver the documents to their residences or directly to the universities they are applying for. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.
Third-Party Privileges / Deals for Students and Alumni
Kaplan, on occasion, is approached by companies offering exclusive privileges or deals to their products and services. These deals are made available to alumni on the website.
Close Collaboration with Parent/Legal Guardian for Students Under 18 Years of Age
To maintain close collaboration with parents/legal guardians for students under the age of 18, Kaplan collects their contact details upon enrolment. This shall include their full name, identity card number, contact number, and email address. Such information is captured in the Application Form and is saved in the Kaplan Student System (KSS) by Kaplan’s Enrolment Office once the student is accepted. The “Primary Contact” for the student will also be required.
After programme commencement, the Programme Management (PM) team will refer to the parent/legal guardian’s details in KSS and reach out to them if needed.
PM must contact the under-aged student’s parent/ legal guardian whenever there is a major issue, mainly refund/defer/transfer/withdrawal from the programme, disciplinary matters, and critical incidents or when the situation warrants it. Parent/ legal guardian may be informed if the child/ward is going through psychological counselling with Kaplan Counsellors.
On the student’s 18th birthday, an automated message will be sent out to both student and parent/legal guardian to inform them that parent/legal guardian will no longer be copied on Kaplan notifications (not applicable to withdrawn or graduated students).
Parents’ Guide
All e-contracts to students under 18 shall include the “Parents’ Guide” as an attachment. This is for parents/legal guardians to read when signing the student contract.
The guide includes the following information:
- Programme Information: Programme duration & fees/Attendance Requirement/STP requirements/Graduation & Pathway
- Student Life: Co-curricular activities/Accommodation/Student Code of Conduct
- FAQs: PM Contact/Timetable/Class Timing/How does Kaplan contact students and parents
Financial Assistance Scheme
Education Loan
Education loans are available to Kaplan students. Students are required to submit the Letter of Offer and the Student Contract along with their Bank Application form to the respective bank. Students need to contact the Loan Officer for more details.
Repayment Assistance Scheme
Students facing financial difficulties at point of enrolment to our programmes can apply for the Repayment Assistance Scheme through their programme consultant. Students are required to submit the necessary supporting documents on application. Approval for international students will be given by the Director of International Recruitment and Offshore Development, whereas approval for domestic students will be provided by the Student Financial Services Manager.
Kaplan Bursary Scheme
For further details on Kaplan Bursary Scheme, click here.
For more information, please write to [email protected].
Kaplan Scholarship Awards
Medical Insurance
Kaplan has in place a group medical insurance scheme for all international students holding a valid Student’s Pass and domestic students taking the University of Essex’s Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports and Exercise Science, Kaplan Diploma in Sports and Exercise Science, or Monash University’s Master of Counselling and Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood programmes who have opted in for the medical insurance coverage (excluding outpatient consultation). This medical insurance scheme has a minimum coverage as follows:
- an annual coverage limit of S$30,000 medical costs coverage per student
- at least B1 ward in government and restructured hospitals
24 hours coverage in Singapore and *overseas (if student is involved in school-related activities).
*If student is overseas, they are covered only up to 180 days from date of departure from Singapore. Upon which, the overseas coverage will cease
KHEA STP students who have paid the International Student Administrative Fee and domestic students who have signed the medical opts in form and paid the insurance premium will be covered by the Income Insurance scheme. Under this scheme, students will pay a special flat rate of $5 (applicable only for STP students) for consultation with an Income-affiliated General Practitioner (GP). The scheme also provides for subsidized hospitalization and surgery (terms and conditions apply).
Kaplan Higher Education Academy
- KHEA – GHS GP GPA Certificate
- KHEA – GHS GPA Benefits Schedule
- KHEA - Outpatient $5 Co-pay Benefits Schedule_Product Summary FAQs
- Group Hospitalisation & Surgical Insurance Product Summary and FAQs
- Group Personal Accident Insurance Product Summary & FAQs
- Product Summary Voluntary Medical Opt-In Form
For outpatient treatment (applicable for Student’s Pass holders), there will be $5 co-payment borne by students.
Professional Certification Programmes
Welcome Orientation & Induction Session
A welcome orientation is conducted for every student intake. The orientation covers the following:
- Introduction to Kaplan and the University (if applicable)
- Student contract and fee protection scheme
- Important policies, regulations and procedures
- Feedback and grievance process
- Important information relating to the programme
An induction session is conducted for every student intake, where applicable. The induction is conducted by a faculty member and covers academic matters which include general study skills, avoiding plagiarism, tackling assignments and handling exams.
Pastoral Counselling and Activities to Promote Mental Well-being
Student Guidance & Counselling Services (SGCS) offers individual counselling and life skills development to our full-time and part-time students with the aim to:
- promote mental wellness and resilience,
- manage life stressors in handling studies/work/family commitments, and
- facilitate self-discovery and development.
Our counsellors provide evidence-based therapies and case management approaches while working with students having specific concerns or crisis in a safe environment without fear of being judged or invalidated.
However, counsellors do not provide psychological assessments/diagnoses, nor do counsellors prescribe medication.
Individual Counselling
Counselling sessions are available in-person or through an online platform (if required under situational context). Counsellors will provide individual short-term sessions through evidence-based therapy and resources, customised to the student’s situation and needs. Working with a counsellor will help students explore new perspectives to improve their well-being and be equipped with skills to balance studies, work and life in general. Ultimately, the intent of therapeutic treatment is to facilitate long term goal of independence and student’s ability to function without the counsellor (tapping on inner resources and discovery of resilience in students). If long-term or specialised care is required, the counsellor will assist with providing the appropriate referrals.
Online Counselling
If counselling is provided online, the use of a private computer, tablet or smartphone in a quiet environment is strongly encouraged. The following guidelines are provided to students for a productive session:
- Be punctual for the appointment
- Wear proper attire
- Make sure there is proper lighting in the room
- Make sure there is little to no background noise
- Have a headset with a microphone ready
- Avoid interruptions- do not answer phone calls, text or surf the web during the appointment, or having pet around
- If family member(s) or others are around, please let them know that you are in session and not to be disturbed
- Be respectful when communicating with your counsellor
- Do not engage in online counselling while driving or participating in other activities
- Counsellors reserve the rights to end an online session if a student engages in behaviour deemed inappropriate, offensive and/or discriminatory
How can student seek counselling services?
With the advancement in technology, SGCS had launched the new online Counselling Case Management System (CCMS) on 25 October 2023. With CCMS, referral is made easy as students can make self-referral for counselling services by a click of a button via Kaplan360 Mobile App. See below for the Step-by-Step Guide.
Step 1: Once you have logged in, you will see the homepage. Next, go to the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen and click on the "Academic" icon.
Step 2: Now that you are on the "Academic" page, click on the "Counselling" tab.
Step 3: You are almost there... Click on "+ New" button on the bottom right and fill in the Counselling Request Form.
Step 4: Please answer all the questions stated in the Counselling Request Form. Once completed, you may click on the "Submit" button. The counselling team will contact you soon!
To begin the journey with us, students have to be aware that counsellors are abided by a strict confidentiality policy as it creates a safe and confidential environment where students can share openly. Exceptions to this practice are in cases of an imminent threat to life and/or the community, a court order, or when mandated by Kaplan Management Committee. SGCS is duty-bound to inform relevant persons who can best take relevant and responsible action to prevent injury or harm to any individuals.
Disability & Diversity Support
Kaplan is committed to providing a supportive environment for students with disabilities and educational needs through a range of support services and resources (inclusiveness). Disability refers to individuals with a physical, sensory, intellectual or learning difficulties that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out daily activities including academic-related tasks. Students must take ownership of their learning and are encouraged to disclose their special needs and type of assistance in relation to the functional limitations as described by licensed doctors and/or specialists during during the study. This will ensure that any special adjustments such as alternative examination, extended time and mobility around campus are discussed. The extent of support is subject to the policies and approval of the respective university partners. Students will be required to provide current medical documents, stating the student’s functional limitations in the examination setting to SGCS for an assessment.
Activities to Promote Pastoral Care and Mental Well-being
SGCS collaborates with internal and external stakeholders to promote pastoral care and mental health awareness. Our in-house counsellors conduct psycho-educational talks and workshops with topics such as managing exam stress; anxiety and depression; self-care and family/relationship issues. As part of counselling services, counsellors facilitate group work for students to share their experiences/successes with others who can relate and connect to bring forth an awareness that they are not alone in their situations (peer support). With the help of counsellors (facilitators), participants can learn new perspectives of their situation and experiment with new ideas, coping behaviours, and ways of interacting.
Emergency and Crisis Support
Management Committee and counsellors will take appropriate measures corresponding to the severity and extent of the emergency or crisis. SGCS does not provide after-hours crisis service. Counselling and psychological service after office hours are available through external community partners and have no formal connection to SGCS. Students are encouraged to contact SGCS the next working day during office hours after consulting these services.
If you or someone you know is in a life-threatening emergency, please call:
Singapore Police Force: 999
Emergency Medical Service: 995
Samaritans of Singapore (SOS): 1767
For people in crisis, thinking of suicide or affected by suicide
24 hours
IMH Mental Health Helpline: 6389 2222
For people facing mental health crisis
24 hours
National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline: 1800 777 0000
For self or others encountering child abuse, adult abuse, vulnerable adult abuse or family violence-related matters to seek help
24 hours
Pregnancy Crisis Service: 6339 9770
For women facing unwanted, suspected or unexpected pregnancies
24 hours
CHAT: 6493 6500/6501
For youths facing mental health issues
Tue to Sat: 12.00pm — 9.00pm
Hear4U: 6978 2728 (WhatsApp Helpline)
A space to seek advice and express their concerns on emotional and mental issues
Mon to Fri: 10.00am — 5.00pm
SG Enable: 1800 858 5885
Information and referral services for persons with disabilities
Mon to Fri: 9.00am — 5.30pm
Care Corner Counselling Centre关怀800热线: 1800 353 5800
For the Mandarin-speaking community
Daily: 10am — 10pm | Closed on Public Holidays
Clarity Singapore Limited (Confidential Counselling) - Yishun Centre: 6757 7990 | Agape Village – Toa Payoh Centre: 6801 7467
For those who are facing emotional, psychological, relationship problems
Mon to Fri: 9am — 5.30pm
Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800 283 7019
For those who require information and assistance on mental health matters and psychosocial issues
Mon to Fri: 9.00am — 6.00pm Closed on PH
All Addictions Helpline: 6732 6837
For individuals who are dealing with addiction problems
24 hours
Touchline: 1800 377 2252
For youths with cyber wellness related issues
Mon to Fri: 9.00am — 6.00pm
AWARE Helpline: 1800 774 5935
For women facing issues relating to violence, emotional and psychological problems
Mon to Fri: 3.00pm — 9.30pm
Contact Details
To make an appointment or to obtain further information on SGCS services, students may email or call:
Student Guidance & Counselling Services
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 6309 5227
Kaplan City Campus @ GR.ID, Level 9, Counselling Office
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm | Closed on Weekends & Public Holiday
Public Transport Concession
Eligibility and Application
Through the Fare Review Mechanism Committee, TransitLink has announced on 7 December 2015 that the public transport operators will be extending public transport concessions to Singapore citizens studying full-time in local private education institutions registered with the Committee for Private Education, SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG/CPE), with limited eligibility.
Eligible students can apply for the concession card and choose to enjoy unlimited travel on buses and/or LRT/MRT with the purchase of the monthly concession pass.
Eligibility Criteria for Kaplan Students:
- Singapore Citizen
- Full-time Student
- GCE O-level Prep School Student, 20 years old and below; or
- Degree programme with a minimum course duration of 24 months
Note: Full-time Diploma students are not eligible given the Kaplan Diploma programme duration is less than 24 months, a criteria as stipulated by TransitLink.
Concessionary Benefits
Prices of Monthly Concession Passes (MCPs) for students in SSG/CPE-registered PEIs can be found via PEI Student Concession Card website.
The concessions will be valid for up to one year at a time, up to the end of the course, whichever is earlier.
For students who receive their concession cards before or on the course start date, the concessions will be valid from the start date of the course, for the next 12 months, subject to annual extension.
For students who apply for their cards after the course start date, the concessions will start based on the application date and be valid for the next 12 months, up to the end of the course, whichever is earlier.
For those whose courses are greater than 12 months, they will be subject to annual extension.
Application & Collection Process for Kaplan Students
Students who qualify for the Concession Pass will be notified via email by Kaplan.
You may also enquire about your legibility for the Concession Pass via [email protected].
How and where to apply
You must be:
- Singapore Citizen
- Full-time Student
- GCE O-level Prep School Student, 20 years old and below; or
- Degree programme with a minimum course duration of 24 months
Click here to apply.
What you need:
- 1 x colour, passport-sized photograph
- Original NRIC/passport/certificate of Singapore Citizenship/birth certificate (soft copy for online application/photocopy for application via mail)
- Parent’s original NRIC (soft copy for online application/photocopy for application via mail)
- Original certificate of highest qualification obtained by the student (e.g. PSLE, GCE “N”/“O” Levels)
- Original GCE “N”/“O”/“A” Levels/IB examination registration receipt (if applicable)
Photograph Requirements:
- Be taken within the last three months
- Have a white background
- Show the full face from the top of the head to the chin
- Have a neatly combed or tied up hair
Processing / Collection
TransitLink will take 2 to 4 weeks to process your application. You will be notified when your Concession Card is ready for collection.There will be an application fee (payable in cash upon card application/activation); $3.10 non-refundable personalisation fee for secondary-level PEI students and $8.10 (includes $5 card cost and $3.10 personalisation fee, both are non-refundable) for Diploma/Degree-level PEI Students.
Card Activation
You may proceed to any TransitLink Ticket Office or concession card replacement office to activate your concession card. You are required to make a minimum top-up of $2 (Secondary) or $5 (Degree) to activate your PEI Student Concession Card.
For assistance or more information:
For Kaplan students who require assistance, please contact your respective Programme Management Team.
For more information relating to the Public Transport Concession, please visit or call the TransitLink hotline: 1800 2255 663
Click here to read the TransitLink press release.
Services for International Students
Airport Pickup
Airport pickup is available free of charge for all new KHEA international students who choose to stay at Kaplan’s accommodation partners. Students will fill in the necessary Airport Pickup form and send back to the respective course consultant in charge for the arrangement with the appointed Airport Pickup Vendor. Pickup can be at all custom checkpoints including Changi Airport, Harbourfront Ferry Terminal, Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, Woodlands Checkpoint and Tuas Checkpoint.
Accommodation Services
Kaplan has a list of appointed Accommodation Partners, providing hostel and homestay options for students. Admission into these accommodations is managed by the individual partners, who are bound by a Service Agreement to provide a minimum standard of service and accommodation. Staying with these Accommodation Partners is not compulsory and is subject to availability.
Information on all accommodation options in Kaplan are provided to all international students during the Pre-Course Counselling and upon issuance of the Letter of Offer. This information is within the Kaplan Accommodation Services Guide, which is updated annually.
Reporting Day
Kaplan organises Reporting Day for all new international students before the Welcome Orientation (WO) so that the International Recruitment Team can brief students on administrative matters before they commence their studies. Students will be briefed on the following:
- Student’s Pass collection details and medical checkup procedure
- Important information about the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore
- Student Contract terms and conditions
- Refund policy
- 7 days cooling-off period
- FPS and medical insurance claim
- English Placement Test (EPT) details (if any)
- Agency services survey form